HiPOD: Monday, 25 October 2021
Nilosyrtis Mensae

Nilosyrtis Mensae

The Mini Wonder World of Nilosyrtis Mensae
With mesas, cliffs and flat valleys, Nilosyrtis Mensae is old terrain with a complex geologic history, including minerals that are not altered by water along with altered minerals such as clays. We see plenty of evidence of fluvial and volcanic processes, tectonic faulting, and erosion in this region. It’s easy to see why Nilosyrtis is a perennial favorite to image at high resolution.

ID: ESP_064521_2075
date: 1 May 2020
altitude: 285 km

#Mars #science #NASA

Black & white is less than 5 km across; enhanced color is less than 1 km. For full observation details, visit the ID link.